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Work project at Global eagle

Monopoly is an adaptation of the famous board game for aircraft plateform. 

I created all of the UI and the adaptation of Monopoly assets to fit the theme. 

Monopoly is a property of Hasbro.

Created in Photoshop and animated in Spine 2D

Character texture and modelisation

Dumbledore's office

Group project at ISART Digital 2015


Work project at Global eagle

Kids play time! is a Aircraft game for kids. Kids customize their animal and play between five differents games. 

I created all characters, clothes, the cake game, the winter scene, baloon victory scene and the UI. 

Created in Photoshop and animated in Spine 2D


Work project at Global eagle

Carmen trivia is a trivia game based on the brand Carmen trivia. Carmen trivia is a video game and recently a tv show on netlix.

I worked on all the screens of Carmen trivia with the help of my coworker Olga. 

Created in Photoshop and animated in Spine 2D


Work project at Global eagle

Trivial Pursuit is a airplane video game version of the famous boardgame. 

I created all characters, and animated them. I also work on everything else in this game UI, Board, FX ....

Created in Photoshop and animated in Spine 2D

Other projects

Differents projects I created on my days off.

Personnal projects

Art for a flash platformer game during school

Character concept art of graduation project "Blazeball"

Intro cinematic storyboard I made for a tower defense game named "Spooky defense"

It is a Global eagle Project.

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